Saturday, March 29, 2008

Run, Fat Boy, Run

It's one of the oldest romantic comedy plots: wimpy guy leaves hot pregnant fiancee at the altar then decides to run a marathon to win her back. Okay, so that part may not be so common, but a lot of this movie goes precisely where you think it will go, and takes the exact path you expect it to. But even if you know where Simon Pegg is going, he just makes it so damn enjoyable to watch him get there. (I got a little geek-crush on the guy at the moment) I guess if you're not into his style, you may be underwhelmed with the movie. But if that's the case, that's your fault not his, isn't it? Verdict: Movie Rental

[edited b/c Zen is a geck]


Zen Faulkes said...


Anonymous said...

I agree.....

Zen is definitely a geck!

Scratch that....


They don't come any geckier than Zen......

Someone who knows Zen...... ;)