Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Dark Knight

Oh yeah ... yeah. Yeah, this was good.

Many may have been put off by what they assumed was hype over Heath Ledger’s performance – but you know what? He was good. Hype aversion is unwarranted here. Don’t let anything you’ve heard about “buzz” or “hype” or “Oscar” distract you from this movie. It’s a movie. Let it entertain you. If you’re not there to let it do its job, then don’t go. Someone else wants your seat. Stay home.

Do be aware, however, that this movie is somewhat of a departure from other Batmans. It’s darker. Even darker than Batman Begins. (and yet, at the same time, infinitely more pleasurable due to the absence of a certain dead-eyed automaton who you could see actually made Christian Bale’s face twitch out of frustration at not being able to smash her head in and get an actual actress for his scenes with her – thankfully his wish was granted for this instalment). There were a few bits that I didn’t look at, because I didn’t truly trust my eyes would be spared gore. Not lots, and not excessive, but a few. And it’s long. They wanted to give you a lot of information and a lot of plot and many developments, and they put it all in one package. But it’s a wonderful afternoon in a theatre and I truly could have returned for the next showing immediately after the one I was in, and I know I would have enjoyed it just as much all over again (but would still not look at the gory bits).

And I just love that when Batman hits someone it sounds like they’ve been struck by a wet tree trunk. Verdict: First Run Theatre - Go Now!

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